Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. ~ OPRAH

In this day and time, we all are in search of something. Knowing what that something is may not be clear, but the ache sensation inside us is real. We can feel it. My hope in writing this blog is not only to benefit me but for you as well. For me, it provides me a sort of therapy. I can get my thoughts and feelings out there, knowing that someone can understand. It’s for you because I truly believe we follow certain paths. A path that has brought you to this very site. Whether what I have to say is meant for you to read personally or for you to share with someone else that may need it. I believe that we all are connected by one commonality. We all want to be seen. We all want to heard. We all want to know we matter. Well my Friend, I see you, I hear you and you do matter.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Little Sweatin' To A Whole Lotta Support

After more then a week of not working out at all on account of the disgusting heat that Toronto had looming over us, I came home today and decided to make myself do a bit more sweating. I can honestly say I did not enjoy it, not even a little bit, but after I was done I was happy and the sense of fulfilment I felt was awesome!! I'm trying to get back up on this horse and pick up where I left off. I'm gong to do my detox cleanse again. That's what got this whole thing started for me. It gave me the boost I needed.

I have some vaca time time coming up so I'm not going to do the detox just yet. I'm guessing the second week of August I will do it. Looking forward to it actually. Although it was difficult, I really and truly felt some amazing. My insides felt clean and I was noticing how much energy I had.

I think I will tweak it a bit and add some detox smoothies in there but in general still follow the same regime I did before.

A friend I work with is going to do it with me again. Like I always say, it's more fun and makes it easier when you have someone to take the steps with you! It is important to take on your journey yourself. This is, after all, your life, but if you have a friend there along side you as you take the steps to a happier and healthier life, it just makes the journey all the more enjoyable. When days are tough and you feel like you aren't making any progress, to have that added support by your side may be just what you need to pick yourself back up and carry on through.

I have an amazing friend who is my support when it comes to working out. I feel like I am accountable to her when she asks me if I'm going to hop on the beast today. Whether it be the beast, a work out DVD or some other exercises, I really think that having that person, who may be near or far, asking you what you are doing instead of if you are going to do it is awesome! I'm still have that mind set most days where I have the best of intentions but throughout the day I try and talk myself out of working out for whatever stupid reasons pops in this brain of mine. Sometimes the stupid reasons win out, but other times, when I get that text message from her or a message on twitter from my dear friend, pushing me to get my sweat on, that's all it takes. It's all I needed. So thanks my friend, you know who you are! xo

I would gladly be anybody's support should they need that perk up or voice over the phone. It only takes a minute to let someone know you are there for them and you stand by them and support each step they take. It makes all the difference in the world.
If anyone wants this detox or to follow along with me when I do it, you are more then welcome!!

Thanks for tuning in kiddos!
Take it easy!


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