Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. ~ OPRAH

In this day and time, we all are in search of something. Knowing what that something is may not be clear, but the ache sensation inside us is real. We can feel it. My hope in writing this blog is not only to benefit me but for you as well. For me, it provides me a sort of therapy. I can get my thoughts and feelings out there, knowing that someone can understand. It’s for you because I truly believe we follow certain paths. A path that has brought you to this very site. Whether what I have to say is meant for you to read personally or for you to share with someone else that may need it. I believe that we all are connected by one commonality. We all want to be seen. We all want to heard. We all want to know we matter. Well my Friend, I see you, I hear you and you do matter.

Monday, May 16, 2011

So It Begins.....

Well lookie lookie......who's down 16 lbs!! With the few pounds that I lost before my week long detox plus the 10 lbs I lost during the detox I could not be any happier with myself right now! I feel great and so happy that I accomplished what I set out to do. Complete the 7 day cleanse without cheating. YAY ME!!
Although I still have such a long road ahead of me, this journey that I now find myself on seems a bit brighter and 100% possible for me to do. This is totally in my reach!
I know that are much more intense detox programs out there to get all the crap out of your system. But I didn't want to take on more then I could pun intended. I wanted something that was going to be a challenge for me but at the same time would not be so difficult that I would quit after 2 days and then continue on the vicious cycle of how I'm a failure.
There needs to be alot less of that attitude and more of this new positive outlook that I find I have now. Naturally I will still have set backs and get down on myself. I'm not perfect and like I said earlier...this is a journey. A journey filled with bumps and windy curves, sometimes not knowing what is just around the corner.
Too much time has been lost to the negative 'I can't do anything' way of thinking. How many of us are so incredibly self critical that it has damaged our very core? No matter what anyone could say about me I can guarantee that I have said 10 times worse things about myself. Hurtful unforgivable things that I wouldn't say to my worst enemy, I didn't think twice about saying it to the depressed lonely woman who looks back at me in the mirror every morning.
I may always suffer with depression. I may always have to deal with my OCD but these obstacles do not define me. Just like my childhood doesn't define who I am. I don't want to be that wounded child any longer. I want to be the strong survivor that I know I have inside.
So let me reiterate ......YAY ME!!
This morning at the office I was actually excited to get home and climb up on the treadmill. While en route home I started to try and think of excuses to not get on. Crazy eh? Yah I know! As soon as I walked in the door, without even putting the groceries away, I headed straight for my bedroom, changed and went right for the treadmill. I knew that if I was going to accomplish this simple thing, I had to do it right then and there because although in reality it is a simple thing, to me at that moment it was like pulling teeth. Seriously Misty? My treadmill literally sits right in behind my couch. It's not a far walk. No more excuses!!!!!! Once on the beast I had no problems with staying on. I did my 30 minutes at a 2.5 speed. Not terribly fast I know, but gimme a break. I got lots of junk in the trunk to carry!
So now off to make dinner. I'm thinking salmon with some brown rice and some steamed broccoli. On that note, take a peek at this Dana Carvey clip. Always pops in my mind when I think of broccoli.

Thanks for tuning in kids, until next time. Have a good one!
